Maria is a Physician at Washington Health Institute.

Dr. Maria Martin completed a Family Practice specialty at the Robert Wood Johnson Somerset Family Residency Program in New Jersey in 2009. She holds Certifications in Weight Management and Nutrition in Medicine.

One of Dr. Martin’s dreams was to work for Johns Hopkins Community Physicians in Laurel, MD. During her 6 years with them, she learned and enjoyed working with the diverse community. Most recently, Dr. Martin worked at Andromeda Transcultural Health as their Medical Director. Dr. Martin is primary care provider trained in HIV prevention and treatment, obesity medicine, and aesthetic medicine. She is a strong believer that “let the food be thy medicine and thy medicine by the food,” as a key to prevent and to cure the most common diseases in our communities. For her, being a Family Physician represents the ideal doctor whom most of the patients expect to find. A Doctor who cares for patients and their families, practices preventive medicine in the context of the individual, family, and community, and finally considers behavioral, emotional, social, and cultural environmental factors to provide better care.


Family Practice specialty, Robert Wood Johnson Somerset Family Residency Program
Certifications in Weight Management and Nutrition in Medicine

Johns Hopkins Community Physicians in Laurel, MD
Andromeda Transcultural Health – Medical Director


HIV prevention and treatment
Obesity medicine
Aesthetic medicine



Phone: 202-525-5175
Fax: 202-450-6088


8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm